Mandate Gatherings

TFM had two recent Mandate Gatherings starting in November 2019. Our first gathering was at The Rock Church in Danville, IL and the second at New Beginnings Church in Hoopeston.
“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:” (Eph. 1:17)
All ministers of the Gospel are welcome for these gatherings. We will continue these gatherings in 2020 as openings continue with proper protocol.
We continue to focus in faith in HIS Word and prayer. We are believing for souls and awakening in America and around the world!
We had tremendous meetings in Illinois and Seattle, Washington. Giving God all the glory 2019 & 2020!
I have been busy working through digital evangelism and building websites during these last few months. We have migrated all of our sites to a faster host.
I built a WooCommerce site for an author and planning to do the same for publishing of my books, audio books, and e-books.
Becky and I have taken these days to focus into the goodness of the Lord and ministering to Him. “Pressing toward the mark.” (Phil 3:14)
Thank you all for your prayers and support. We are blessed!
In Him, Stan & Becky