Zoe Publishing House 2023

Books for Training and Spiritual Insights from Stanley F. Jackowski Zoe Publishing House is an outreach from Truth Family Ministries, Inc. Zoe in the Greek means, “The God Kind of Life.” Stan is been writing since a young age developing into a researcher, compiler, and has a passion for revival. Stan has been fortunate to have relationships with those who are serious about past moves of God and anticipating the latter rain (Acts 2) ushered into these final days before Jesus returns. Many of Stan’s books are available through traditional print. Those who are students of Truth Bible Institute can download the materials electronically. We believe this is the way to keep our cost down and provide interactive training through the internet.
The Salvation Experience – This booklet has been written for those who want Biblical answers concerning the fall of man, the Gospel message, and how to walk in faith. This book will give you scriptural evidence for the doctrine of salvation, and will provide answers for others who are seeking eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Vision – Journey Into The Realm of The Spirit – Vision are perceived by some as far out signs ,weird wonders, and foolish directions. A Vision is simply God’s channel of preparation to the believer, who is extension to minister a message to the world.
Life In The Bible – First Principles – Stan discovered while pastoring and traveling around the countrythat even though some believers have come to a basic knowledge of the Bible, many have not understood the importance of fundamental principles for maturing through the Word. This sound doctrine mixed with faith will enable believers to walk in victory in this life. “I am convinced that this systematic study will establish you and create an atmosphere of spiritual development. This, in turn, will infuse a cooperate flow within your church and Christian community.”
– Stanley F. Jackowski

Writing History
Stan Jackowski has been writing since his youth. He began writing fiction and when he came to know Jesus the Holy Spirit changed the direction to non fiction. In pursuing a different way, Stan stopped from writing fiction and TRUTH prevailed.
Stan experience writing non fiction on his type writer and inspiration flowed freely. The Mandate came from the Evangelism Training series in the mid 1980’s. His wife Becky edited the work and when traveling used a small brother portable type writing. Thus, Zoe Publishing was birthed as a vital arm of the ministry.
SJM continues to bring you Word based study material for increasing your faith and reaching the world with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. See how you can help us grow. We are need of editors, proof readers, and InDesign book makers.

"Inspired In Seattle"
Please follow the blocks below to read to read excerpts from Rev. Stanley F. Jackowski Writings, Books, Study Guides, & Activation Series.